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Biograph Wealth Advisors


Fair Deal Programme - What is it? Thumbnail

Fair Deal Programme - What is it?

There has been a lot of media coverage in recent months regarding the Fair Deal programme, and what it entails. In this blog we will give you a brief outline of how the programme works, who is eligible for it, and how much you might pay towards your care.

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What is evidence-based investing? Thumbnail

What is evidence-based investing?

If you’ve read this blog before, you’re probably familiar with the phrase “evidence-based investing”. But what exactly does it mean? After all, most investment professionals would claim to base their philosophy on some form of evidence. But that doesn’t mean they’re worth paying any attention to.

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Ten ways to view the current market downturn Thumbnail

Ten ways to view the current market downturn

We generally encourage our clients not to follow the ebb and flow of the global stock markets. But every now and then, you can’t easily avoid it, and we’re at one of those moments now. Share prices, and specifically price falls, are once again front-page news. So, what’s going on? And what, if anything, can investors do about it?

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Nine nuggets of wisdom from a Nobel laureate Thumbnail

Nine nuggets of wisdom from a Nobel laureate

Gene Fama, the Chicago-based professor whose ground-breaking research on investing earned him the Nobel Prize, rarely gives an interview. When he does, it’s worth taking notice. He has just given an hour-long interview to the Rational Reminder podcast and, once again, he doesn’t disappoint.

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