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Financial Advisory

“No matter how much money you have, if you are worried, you are not wealthy” Nick Murray

Helping You Make Smart Decisions Dublin, Ireland PFP Financial Services

Helping You Make Smart Decisions

People with financial plans experience better financial outcomes - Vanguard estimates the benefit an advisor adds (Advisor Alpha) is circa 3% per annum.

Financial planning is an intangible and often misunderstood concept. 

The words "financial plan" can have very different meanings to different people. In our view, financial planning is ensuring that you are on the right path toward achieving your specific goals in life. However, this path is rarely a straight one. Life can be unpredictable and it can be reassuring to have a trusted adviser to help clarify the trade-offs that we all encounter in our lives. A trusted adviser should offer guidance, accountability and reassurance that everything that can be done is in fact being done to keep you on track to achieve your goals.

Our Process

No two clients are the same, but the experience this brings has shaped how we approach crafting  tailored strategies with each client’s unique goals and needs at the forefront.


We explore and grasp the core  values and objectives that are  meaningful to our clients.


A strategy /plan that is tailored to meet your goals and objectives, guided by our wealth planning tool.


Implement & direct  your strategy under  the guidance of your advisory  team.


Scheduled annual reviews  to evaluate progress  & keep abreast of life transitions.

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