The value of a pre-mortem (yes that's pre - not post)
Investing is always unpredictable. The risks and quirks in markets mean that outcomes are never certain. The best we can do is to think in terms of probabilities.
Investing is always unpredictable. The risks and quirks in markets mean that outcomes are never certain. The best we can do is to think in terms of probabilities.
Avant Money have just announced an increase to their 5, 7 & 10-year fixed rates for new borrowers of between 0.20% and 0.30%. Their popular 7-year fixed rate will now change from 1.95% to 2.25% and their 10-year fixed rate will change from 2.10% to 2.40% for loan to values less than 60%.
One of the most important questions you should ask when hiring a financial adviser is this: do you manage your own money in the same way that you manage your clients’ money?
When he was once asked if there was ever a case for using actively managed funds, the Nobel Prize-winning economist Eugene Fama fired a question back: “Why do we pay people to do something they cannot do?”
It’s been an uncomfortable year for equity investors to say the least. Stock markets around the world have fallen, some more than others. Russian stocks have crashed, and investors in some funds have been unable to get their money out.
That human beings have an inbuilt tendency to look for and favour evidence that confirms their pre-existing beliefs – about investment, politics, or any other subject – is not a particularly new or radical idea.